Innovative piste rescue system reaches injured skiers in three minutes

Snow Space Salzburg and the Red Cross have developed a tailored slope rescue system to ensure swift and professional medical care following ski accidents. In the winter season of 2022/23, there were a total of 1,388 incidents.

By mid-March of the 2022/23 season, precisely 1,388 slope rescue operations were recorded in Snow Space Salzburg, covering Flachau, St. Johann/Alpendorf, and Wagrain. On average, this accounts for only seven accidents per 100,000 ski runs. Ten percent of these operations involve direct helicopter transportation from the slope to nearby hospitals. A close collaboration between slope rescue teams, the Red Cross, and local physicians ensures rapid and continuous rescue operations. This season, the ski area saw a total of 1.9 million skiers who completed nearly 20 million runs in total.

Five years ago, in partnership with the Red Cross, the premium ski area established an independent rescue system comprising several components. The slope rescue team of the ski resort, consisting of trained paramedics, plays a central role in emergency care. Additionally, on each of the three mountainsides, a Red Cross paramedic is stationed, capable of administering initial emergency medical measures in case of severe injuries before the arrival of the medical team, in consultation with the attending physician.

The slope emergency hotline in Snow Space Salzburg is managed by the Red Cross. When a call comes in through the number 144, the Salzburg emergency control center coordinates all rescue efforts. The injured guest's location is pinpointed via mobile phone and relayed directly to the slope rescue team patrolling the ski area through radio communication. On average, it takes only three minutes from the initiation of the emergency call to the arrival of the first responders at the accident site.

The transport of the injured is carried out by the slope rescuers of the ski resort using specially equipped rescue skidoos. In Flachau and Wagrain, a rescue vehicle is available to swiftly transport the injured to nearby general practitioners or hospitals without delay. Designated helipads are in place within the ski area for helicopter operations. "Together with Snow Space Salzburg, we ensure high-quality medical care on the slopes," explains Anton Holzer, the Red Cross state rescue commander. The level of cooperation between the Red Cross and the ski resort is unique in the entire region.

For Wolfgang Hettegger, the CEO of Snow Space Salzburg, a perfectly functioning rescue system is of utmost importance. "Top-notch infrastructure is essential for our guests to have a first-class winter sports experience. This includes prompt medical care after an accident. Our specific rescue chain would be impossible without the collaboration with the Red Cross."

Source: Snow Space Salzburg


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