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Snow Space Salzburg, Alpendorf, Summer Cory Coupe Snow Space Salzburg, Alpendorf, Summer Cory Coupe

Alpendorf in Summer: Alpine Adventure and Fun, all year round!

Alpendorf transforms into a vibrant playground of outdoor activities and breathtaking scenery during the summer months. While winter is known for its snow-covered slopes, summer in Alpendorf offers an array of adventures that cater to all ages and interests. Here’s a look at what makes Alpendorf a must-visit destination during the warmer months.

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WhoSki, Sustainability Cory Coupe WhoSki, Sustainability Cory Coupe

WhoSki - Our Partners

“A big welcome to our latest school ski trip partner North47, putting sustainability at the heart of its operations – just like We were delighted to hear about the company’s suite of eco commitments, and look forward to welcoming their clients to the ever-growing community.”

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History, Feature Cory Coupe History, Feature Cory Coupe

A Look at LGBTQ+ History in Winter Sports

As we celebrate Pride Month, it's essential to acknowledge the contributions and history of LGBTQ+ individuals across all fields, including winter sports. While skiing and other winter activities are often associated with freedom and exhilaration, they have also been arenas of significant struggle and triumph for LGBTQ+ athletes. This article delves into the history, challenges, and progress of LGBTQ+ inclusion in winter sports, highlighting the journey towards greater visibility and acceptance.

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Fully inclusive ski trip packages, created for school groups.